
【英語でニュース解説 #6】26か月連続で減少する「実質賃金」って何?



Nominal wages refer to the unadjusted amount of money paid to employees, whereas real wages are adjusted for inflation, reflecting the actual purchasing power of the income earned. This distinction is crucial for understanding economic well-being, as nominal wage increases can be offset by inflation, reducing the real income workers have.



In Japan, despite nominal wages increasing by 1.2% in 2023 to an average of ¥329,859, the consumer price index rose by 3.8%. This resulted in a 2.5% decline in real wages, as the higher costs of goods and services outpaced wage growth. This trend has continued, with real wages falling for 26 consecutive months as of mid-2024​.

In Japan, despite nominal wages increasing by 1.9% in May 2024 to an average of ¥297,151, the consumer price index rose by 3.3%. This resulted in a 1.4% decline in real wages, as the higher costs of goods and services outpaced wage growth. This trend has continued, with real wages falling for 26 consecutive months as of mid-2024



Analyzing wage statistics requires looking at both nominal and real wages. Nominal wage growth can be misleading if inflation is not considered. For a true economic assessment, real wages should be examined to understand how much workers can actually purchase with their earnings. Additionally, understanding the underlying inflation causes, such as supply chain disruptions or increased raw material costs, is essential.



The persistent decline in real wages presents significant challenges for Japan’s economy, including reduced consumer spending and potential economic stagnation. Policymakers must tackle inflation while promoting wage growth that keeps pace with rising costs. Strategies may include enhancing productivity, supporting effective wage negotiations, and implementing targeted fiscal policies to stabilize and grow the economy​.



【英語でニュース解説 #5】続く円安、その理由と日本経済への影響



One of the primary factors driving the depreciation of the yen is the significant interest rate differential between Japan and other major economies, particularly the United States. While the US Federal Reserve has aggressively raised interest rates to combat inflation, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) has maintained a near-zero interest rate policy to stimulate its sluggish economy. This disparity makes Japanese assets less attractive to investors, who prefer higher-yielding US assets, leading to a sell-off of the yen in favor of the dollar​.



The BOJ’s commitment to an easy monetary policy, including measures such as yield curve control and extensive bond purchases, has also contributed to the yen’s weakness. Despite a slight increase in interest rates, the BOJ’s overall stance remains accommodative compared to the tightening policies of other central banks. This continued monetary easing has kept Japanese interest rates low, further widening the gap with US rates and exacerbating the yen’s depreciation​.



Japan’s economic performance also plays a role in the yen’s depreciation. Despite some signs of recovery, Japan’s economy faces structural issues, such as stagnant wages and deflationary pressures, which have limited the effectiveness of monetary policy changes. In contrast, the US economy has shown robust growth, bolstered by strong consumer spending and a tight labor market. This disparity in economic performance has reinforced the yen’s downward trend against the dollar​.



Market dynamics, including investor behavior and speculative trading, have further influenced the yen’s decline. The yen is often used in carry trades, where investors borrow in low-interest-rate currencies to invest in higher-yielding assets. The persistent low interest rates in Japan make the yen a prime candidate for such strategies, leading to continuous selling pressure. Additionally, expectations of further interventions by Japanese authorities to stabilize the yen have led to only temporary recoveries, as underlying market forces remain strong.



【英語でニュース解説 #4】時価総額世界第2位に躍進 エヌビディアってどんな会社?


Nvidia’s market capitalization recently surpassed Apple’s, making it the world’s second-largest company by market value. This meteoric rise can be attributed to the surging demand for its advanced graphics processing units (GPUs), which are crucial for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning applications. As the world increasingly relies on AI for various industries, Nvidia’s role as a leading supplier of high-performance computing hardware has propelled its stock to new heights.



A significant driver of Nvidia’s growth is its dominance in the AI and data center markets. The company’s GPUs are preferred for their parallel processing capabilities, which are essential for training complex AI models. Data centers, which underpin cloud computing and big data analytics, also heavily invest in Nvidia’s technology to enhance computational efficiency and speed. This trend has translated into substantial revenue growth and solidified Nvidia’s position as a tech powerhouse.



Nvidia’s success is also a result of its relentless innovation and strategic acquisitions. The company has continually improved its GPU architecture, introducing new products that outperform competitors. Additionally, Nvidia’s acquisition of Mellanox and ARM has broadened its technological portfolio, enabling it to venture into new markets and integrate vertically. This strategic foresight has allowed Nvidia to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.



Looking ahead, Nvidia’s prospects appear bright. The expansion of AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and autonomous vehicles will likely continue to drive demand for Nvidia’s products. The company is also exploring opportunities in the metaverse and virtual reality spaces, which promise to open new revenue streams. As Nvidia continues to innovate and capitalize on emerging technologies, it is well-positioned to maintain its growth trajectory and reinforce its status as a leading tech giant.


【英語でニュース解説 #3】アメリカ大統領選挙のしくみ



The U.S. presidential election is determined by the Electoral College, a body of electors chosen from each state. There are 538 electors in total, corresponding to the number of members in Congress (435 Representatives, 100 Senators) plus three electors from Washington D.C. Each state has a number of electors equal to its total number of Representatives and Senators. To win the presidency, a candidate must secure a majority of electoral votes, at least 270.



While citizens vote in a general election, they are technically voting for a slate of electors pledged to their candidate. These electors then vote for the president and vice president. Most states use a winner-takes-all system, where the candidate with the most popular votes in the state wins all its electoral votes. Only Maine and Nebraska use a proportional allocation system, which can split their electoral votes between candidates.



Swing states, or battleground states, are crucial in U.S. presidential elections. These states do not have a consistent pattern of voting for a single party and can swing either way. Candidates focus heavily on these states, as winning them can be decisive in securing the necessary 270 electoral votes. States like Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio are often considered key swing states.



The election process begins with primaries and caucuses, where parties select their nominees. This is followed by national party conventions, where the nominees are officially nominated. The general election is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Electors meet in December to cast their votes, and the results are certified by Congress in January. The president is inaugurated on January 20.


【英語でニュース解説 #2】イスラエルとハマスの衝突、きっかけは?


Hamas is an Islamist political and militant organization founded in 1987 in Palestine, emerging from the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The organization operates both politically and militarily, with its military wing known as the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades conducting attacks against Israel, and its political wing engaging in governance, particularly in Gaza. The overarching goal of Hamas is the liberation of Palestinian territories from Israeli control and the establishment of an Islamic state based on its interpretation of Islamic values.



The immediate trigger for Israel’s invasion of Gaza was a large-scale attack by Hamas on October 7, during which militants killed over 1,200 people and took hostages. This event led Israel to launch Operation Swords of Iron, aimed at dismantling Hamas and securing the release of hostages.



The military conflict between Israel and Hamas has led to severe casualties on both sides, with the majority occurring in the Gaza Strip. According to recent reports, over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, including more than 10,000 children, reflecting the high civilian impact of the conflict. Additionally, the Gaza Health Ministry has reported that 70,000 people have been injured, and 10,000 are missing under rubble, indicating a humanitarian crisis of significant scale.



The United States, particularly under President Biden, has critiqued Israel’s actions as “over the top,” suggesting a reconsideration of military support. This stance points towards a conditional approach where continued military aid might hinge on Israel improving humanitarian access and reducing civilian casualties.

Moreover, regional dynamics are shifting, with many Middle Eastern countries reassessing their security frameworks in light of the war. The progress towards normalizing relations with Israel has stalled, especially as Arab public opinion solidifies against it.



【英語でニュース解説 #1】日本製鉄が仕掛けるUSスチール買収


Nippon Steel’s attempt to acquire U.S. Steel for approximately $14.1 billion has faced numerous challenges, primarily from political and regulatory angles in the United States. The deal, which would be one of the largest foreign acquisitions of an American industrial firm, is currently under intense scrutiny by both the Justice Department and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), with a focus on potential national security implications.




Political opposition has been notably strong. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have both voiced their opposition, citing concerns over national security and the preservation of American jobs in the steel industry. Biden emphasized the importance of keeping U.S. Steel an American-owned and operated company, highlighting its iconic status and significance to national security​.

政治的な逆風も強いです。ジョー・バイデン大統領とドナルド・トランプ元大統領は、国家安全保障と鉄鋼業界のアメリカ人雇用保護への懸念から、この買収に反対しています。バイデン大統領は、USスチールがアメリカの象徴的な会社であり、アメリカによる所有と運営が続くべきだと強調しています 。



Despite these hurdles, Nippon Steel remains optimistic about the acquisition. The company has assured that the merger would not lead to layoffs or plant closures, aiming to strengthen its global competitiveness while maintaining U.S. Steel’s operational and employment frameworks in the U.S.​ However, the final decision will hinge on the outcome of the regulatory reviews and political negotiations currently underway.



2023年流行した英語Word of the Year―米Merriam-Webster編

毎年11月を過ぎると、英米の辞書出版社などが「Word of the Year」を発表します。ちょうど日本の「流行語大賞」のようなもので、その年によく使われた言葉が選定されます。

11月27日には米Merriam-Websterが「Word of the Year」を発表しました。


先日ご紹介したCambridge Dictionaryの今年の言葉と同様、この言葉が選ばれたのにはAIの台頭が背景にあります。




2023年流行した英語Word of the Year―英Cambridge Dictionary編

毎年11月を過ぎると、英米の辞書出版社などが「Word of the Year」を発表します。ちょうど日本の「流行語大賞」のようなもので、その年によく使われた言葉が選定されます。

英Collins English Dictionaryの次には、11月15日に英Cambridge Dictionaryが「Word of the Year」を発表しました。




2023年流行した英語Word of the Year―英Collins編

毎年11月を過ぎると、英米の辞書出版社などが「Word of the Year」を発表します。ちょうど日本の「流行語大賞」のようなもので、その年によく使われた言葉が選定されます。

2023年も各社の先頭を切って、イギリスのCollins English Dictionaryが11月1日にWord of the Yearを発表しました。




Collinsが選定したWord of the Yearの一覧です。

※Collinsでは、形容詞”ultra-processed”として紹介されているが、RNN時事英語辞典へ登録済みの”ultra-processed food”としてリストアップしています。

2022年流行した英語Word of the Year―英Oxford English Dictionary編

毎年11月を過ぎると、英米の辞書出版社などが「Word of the Year」を発表します。ちょうど日本の「流行語大賞」のようなもので、その年によく使われた言葉が選定されます。

12月5日には英Oxford English Dictionaryが「Word of the Year」を発表しました。


その結果、選ばれたのは“goblin mode”でした。

「自分勝手に、怠惰で、だらしなく振る舞うこと」を表すスラングで、2009年に初めてツイッター上に登場しましたが、2022年にSNS上で多く飛び交ったとのこと。ちょうど新型コロナ関連の行動規制が緩和されつつある時期に”normal life”に戻りたくないという人々の気持ちが現れた。





注1: metaverseは当Word of the Year発表前にRNN時事英語辞典に収録済み。