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【英語でニュース解説 #6】26か月連続で減少する「実質賃金」って何?



Nominal wages refer to the unadjusted amount of money paid to employees, whereas real wages are adjusted for inflation, reflecting the actual purchasing power of the income earned. This distinction is crucial for understanding economic well-being, as nominal wage increases can be offset by inflation, reducing the real income workers have.


  • nominal wage 名目賃金
  • real wage 実質賃金
  • inflation 物価上昇、インフレ
  • purchasing power 購買力
  • economic well-being 経済の健全性


In Japan, despite nominal wages increasing by 1.2% in 2023 to an average of ¥329,859, the consumer price index rose by 3.8%. This resulted in a 2.5% decline in real wages, as the higher costs of goods and services outpaced wage growth. This trend has continued, with real wages falling for 26 consecutive months as of mid-2024​.

In Japan, despite nominal wages increasing by 1.9% in May 2024 to an average of ¥297,151, the consumer price index rose by 3.3%. This resulted in a 1.4% decline in real wages, as the higher costs of goods and services outpaced wage growth. This trend has continued, with real wages falling for 26 consecutive months as of mid-2024


  • consumer price index CPI 消費者物価指数


Analyzing wage statistics requires looking at both nominal and real wages. Nominal wage growth can be misleading if inflation is not considered. For a true economic assessment, real wages should be examined to understand how much workers can actually purchase with their earnings. Additionally, understanding the underlying inflation causes, such as supply chain disruptions or increased raw material costs, is essential.


  • economic assessment 経済分析、景気判断
  • supply chain 供給連鎖、サプライチェーン
  • raw material cost 原材料費


The persistent decline in real wages presents significant challenges for Japan’s economy, including reduced consumer spending and potential economic stagnation. Policymakers must tackle inflation while promoting wage growth that keeps pace with rising costs. Strategies may include enhancing productivity, supporting effective wage negotiations, and implementing targeted fiscal policies to stabilize and grow the economy​.


  • consumer spending 消費者支出、個人消費
  • economic stagnation 景気停滞
  • policymaker 政策立案者
  • productivity 生産性、生産力
  • wage negotiations 賃金交渉
  • fiscal policy 財政政策
