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【英語でニュース解説 #4】時価総額世界第2位に躍進 エヌビディアってどんな会社?


Nvidia’s market capitalization recently surpassed Apple’s, making it the world’s second-largest company by market value. This meteoric rise can be attributed to the surging demand for its advanced graphics processing units (GPUs), which are crucial for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning applications. As the world increasingly relies on AI for various industries, Nvidia’s role as a leading supplier of high-performance computing hardware has propelled its stock to new heights.


  • market capitalization 時価総額
  • market value 市場価値
  • graphics processing unit GPU 画像処理半導体CGなどの画像処理を担う半導体チップ。AIの機械学習や暗号通貨のマイニングにも用いられる
  • artificial intelligence AI 人工知能
  • machine learning 機械学習


A significant driver of Nvidia’s growth is its dominance in the AI and data center markets. The company’s GPUs are preferred for their parallel processing capabilities, which are essential for training complex AI models. Data centers, which underpin cloud computing and big data analytics, also heavily invest in Nvidia’s technology to enhance computational efficiency and speed. This trend has translated into substantial revenue growth and solidified Nvidia’s position as a tech powerhouse.


  • market dominance 市場支配、寡占
  • data center データセンター
  • parallel processing 並列処理
  • cloud computing クラウドコンピューティング
  • big data ビッグデータ企業などが持つ、顧客情報や購買情報などの膨大なデータの集まり
  • computational efficiency 計算効率
  • revenue growth 収益成長率
  • tech powerhouse 技術大手企業


Nvidia’s success is also a result of its relentless innovation and strategic acquisitions. The company has continually improved its GPU architecture, introducing new products that outperform competitors. Additionally, Nvidia’s acquisition of Mellanox and ARM has broadened its technological portfolio, enabling it to venture into new markets and integrate vertically. This strategic foresight has allowed Nvidia to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.


  • strategic acquisition 戦略的買収
  • competitor 競合他社
  • technological portfolio 技術ポートフォリオ自社保有する技術の組み合わせ
  • vertical integration model 垂直統合モデル


Looking ahead, Nvidia’s prospects appear bright. The expansion of AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and autonomous vehicles will likely continue to drive demand for Nvidia’s products. The company is also exploring opportunities in the metaverse and virtual reality spaces, which promise to open new revenue streams. As Nvidia continues to innovate and capitalize on emerging technologies, it is well-positioned to maintain its growth trajectory and reinforce its status as a leading tech giant.


  • Internet of Things IoT モノのインターネットあらゆるモノがインターネットにつながるという概念
  • ​​autonomous vehicle 自動運転車
  • metaverse メタバース自らのアバター(分身)を仮想空間に参加させて、参加者同士で交流したり空間内で行動できる場
  • virtual reality バーチャルリアリティ、仮想現実
  • revenue stream 収益源
  • growth trajectory 成長軌道