注目の話題から調べる [台風] Last Updated: September 12, 2024
atmospheric pressure気圧
cancellation of flights欠航
central atmospheric pressure中心気圧
coastal area沿岸地域
core atmospheric pressure中心気圧
debris flow土石流
dike burst堤防決壊
disaster response災害対応
emergency aid緊急援助
emergency shelter避難所
evacuation advisory避難勧告
evacuation instruction避難指示
evacuation order避難命令
extensive damage広範な被害
extratropical cyclone温帯低気圧
extremely severe disaster激甚災害
eye of a typhoon台風の目
flight cancellation欠航
flood occurrence information氾濫発生情報
flood tide高潮
heavy rain大雨
heavy wind強風
hectopascalヘクトパスカル ■気圧の単位
high-velocity wind突風、暴風
instructions to prepare for evacuation避難準備情報
large and powerful typhoon大型で強い台風
levee break堤防決壊
levee failure堤防決壊
massive typhoon大型台風
maximum gust最大瞬間風速
Meteorological Agency気象庁
power failure停電
projected path予想進路
river bank川岸
river disaster河川災害
search-and-rescue operations捜索救助活動
secondary disaster二次災害
severe disaster designation激甚災害指定
state of national calamity国家災害事態
storm zone暴風域
strong wind強風
super typhoonスーパー台風 ■風速67メートル以上の極めて強い台風
torrential rain豪雨
torrential rain special warning大雨特別警報
tropical cyclone熱帯低気圧
Typhoon Hagibis台風ハギビス ■2019年の台風19号。ハギビスはフィリピン語で「すばやい」
Typhoon No. 7台風7号
wind speed風速
wind velocity風速

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