注目の話題から調べる [消費税増税] Last Updated: November 9, 2023
budget deficit財政赤字
cash registerレジ
cashless paymentキャッシュレス支払
comprehensive reform of the social security and tax systems社会保障と税の一体改革
consumption tax消費税
consumption tax hike消費税増税
consumption tax hike bills消費税増税法案
consumption tax increase消費税増税
consumption tax rate消費税率
daily living necessities生活必需品
Diet deliberations国会審議
family budget家計
goods-and-services tax ,GST消費税
guaranteed minimum pension最低保障年金
indirect tax間接税
low-income earner低所得者
lower tax rate軽減税率
national tax国税
outstanding debt未払債務
political life政治生命
public debt公債
reduced tax rate軽減税率
reward points programポイント還元制度
snap election解散選挙
tax burden税負担
tax credit税額控除
tax hike増税
value-added tax ,VAT付加価値税 ■日本の消費税に相当

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