| 注目の話題から調べる [予算編成] Last Updated: March 6, 2023 |
"second budget" | 第2の予算、財政投融資 |
austere budget | 緊縮予算 |
bond-related expenditures | 国債費 |
budget compilation | 予算編成 |
budgetary request | 概算要求 |
dependency rate on debt issues | 国債依存度 |
draft budget | 予算原案 |
extra budget | 補正予算、追加予算 |
Finance Ministry | 財務省 |
Finance Ministry's draft general account budget | 財務省原案 |
fiscal spending | 財政支出 |
fiscal structure | 財政構造 |
general account budget | 一般会計予算 |
general account expenditure | 一般会計歳出 |
general spending | 一般歳出 |
initial budget | 当初予算 |
local allocation tax grants to local governments | 地方交付税交付金 |
outstanding long-term debt | 長期債務残高 |
public works projects | 公共事業 |
reform implementation budget | 改革断行予算 |
special account | 特別会計 |
state budget | 国家予算 |
structural reform | 構造改革 |
supplementary budget | 補正予算 |
tax revenue | 税収 |
zaito fiscal investment and loan program | 財政投融資 |
zaito funds | 財政投融資 |