| 注目の話題から調べる [政治疑惑] Last Updated: August 11, 2024 |
academic background | 学歴 |
academic career | 学歴 |
backroom deal | 裏取引 |
bid rigging | 談合 |
bid-rigging | 談合 |
big-name politician | 大物政治家 |
breach of trust | 背任 |
bribe | 賄賂 |
bribe-taking | 収賄 |
bribery allegation | 贈賄疑惑、収賄疑惑 |
bribery scandal | 贈収賄疑惑 |
bureaucrat | 官僚 |
civil servant | 公務員 |
collusion | 癒着 |
corrupt politician | 汚職政治家 |
corruption | 汚職 |
corruption case | 汚職事件 |
corruption scandal | 汚職疑惑 |
cozy relationship | なれあい |
criminal accusation | 刑事告発 |
Deliberative Council on Political Ethics | 政治倫理審査会 |
Diet member | 国会議員 |
distrust of politics | 政治不信 |
embezzling | 着服、横領 |
excessive influence | 行き過ぎの影響力 |
favorable treatment | 便宜 |
fundraising | 政治資金調達 |
graft | 不正利得、収賄 |
illegal donation | 違法献金 |
improperly meddling | 不適切な干渉 |
kickback | 賄賂 |
Law to Regulate Money Used for Political Activities. | 政治資金規正法 |
mistrust | 不信 |
money scandal | カネ絡みの疑惑 |
money-related scandal | カネ絡みの疑惑 |
moral hazard | モラルハザード、倫理の欠如 |
moral responsibility | 道義的責任 |
parliamentary immunity | 議員特権 |
payoff scandal | 裏金疑惑 |
personal problem | 個人的な問題 |
political corruption | 政治汚職 |
political donation | 政治献金 |
political fund report | 政治資金収支報告書 |
political funding organization | 政治資金管理団体 |
political funding scandal | 政治資金スキャンダル |
Political Funds Control Law | 政治資金規正法 |
political influence | 政治的影響力 |
political leverage | 政治的影響力 |
political scandal | 政治疑惑、政治スキャンダル |
political sleaze | 政治の腐敗 |
politician | 政治家 |
politico-bureaucratic collusion | 政官の癒着 |
politico-bureaucratic tie | 政官の結びつき |
pork-barrel project | 特定の選挙区の利益となる公共事業 |
pressure | 圧力 |
resignation | 辞職、辞任 |
scandal-tainted lawmaker | 疑惑がもたれている国会議員 |
small-lot donation | 小口献金 |
structure of collusion | 癒着構造 |
sworn witness | 証人 |
tax evasion | 脱税、税金逃れ |
unsworn witness | 参考人 |
whistle-blowing | 内部告発、公益通報 |
whistleblower | 内部告発者 |
wrongdoing | 不正行為 |