カテゴリーから調べる[財政・税金] Last Updated: April 9, 2024
accommodation tax宿泊税
additional loss追加損失
additional tax追徴課税
alcohol tax酒税
amusement tax遊興税、娯楽税
annual tax revision plan税制改正大綱
appropriations bill歳出法案 ■米
austere budget緊縮予算
austerity measures緊縮策
austerity package緊縮計画
auto acquisition tax自動車取得税
auto-weight tax自動車重量税
automobile acquisition tax自動車取得税
automobile tax自動車税
automobile tonnage tax自動車重量税
automobile weight tax自動車重量税
back tax追徴課税
bailout fund救済基金
bailout program救済措置
bank tax銀行税
base erosion and profit shifting ,BEPS税源浸食と利益移転
basic deduction基礎控除
belt-tightening measures緊縮政策
big tax cuts大型減税
bond dependency ratio国債依存度
bond redemption債務償還
border tax国境税
budget allocation予算配分
budget balance財政収支
budget blueprint予算案
budget compilation予算編成
budget constraint予算制約
budget crunch予算の逼迫
budget cut予算削減
budget cutter予算削減を推進する議員
budget deficit財政赤字
budget discipline財政規律
budget guideline予算編成方針
budget guidelines概算要求基準
budget impasse財政難
budget implementation予算執行
budget increase予算増額
budget proposal予算案
budget proposal予算教書 ■米
budget reduction予算削減
budget request概算要求
budget reserve予備費
budget screening事業仕分け ■事業の必要性を検討し、予算の無駄を洗い出す作業
budget shortfall予算不足
budget slasher予算削減を推進する人、事業仕分け人
budget surplus財政黒字
budgetary allocation予算配分
budgetary request概算要求
capital gain tax rate資産売却益税率
capital gains tax資本利得税
capital levy資本課税
capital tax資本税
cash allowance現金給付
cash handout現金給付、給付金
child tax credit児童税額控除
coffers of the state国庫
compulsory payment強制納付
construction bond建設国債
construction debt建設国債
consumption tax消費税
consumption tax hike消費税増税
consumption tax increase消費税増税
consumption tax rate消費税率
consumption tax rate hike消費増税
coordinated fiscal stimulus協調的財政出動
corporate residence tax法人住民税
corporate tax法人税
corporate tax cut法人減税
Corporate Tax Law法人税法
corporate tax rate法人税率
corporation tax法人税
credit standing信用力、信用状態
credit worries信用不安
debt auction国債入札
debt burden債務負担
debt ceiling債務上限
debt ceiling hike債務上限の引き上げ
debt issuance債券発行
debt limit債務上限
debt mountain債務の山
debt reduction債務削減
debt servicing債務返済
debt-covering bond赤字国債
debt-financing bond赤字国債
debt-laden country重債務国
debt-ridden country債務困窮国
debt-service ratio債務返済比率
debt-servicing costs債務返済費
debt-to-GDP ratio債務のGDP比
debt-to-gross domestic product ratio債務のGDP比率
deficit bond赤字公債
deficit financing bond赤字国債
deficit reduction赤字削減
deficit-covering bond赤字国債、赤字公債
deficit-covering debt赤字国債
deficit-covering national bond赤字国債
deficit-reduction target赤字削減目標
departure tax出国税
dependent exemption扶養控除
deposits levy預金課税
digital levyデジタル課税
digital taxデジタル税
digital taxationデジタル課税
direct expenditure直接支出
direct tax直接税
discretionary spending裁量的支出
donation tax贈与税
Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwichダブルアイリッシュ・ダッチサンドイッチ ■海外事業収益をアイルランドとオランダ経由で無税地に移転する税金回避の手法
Double Irish, Dutch sandwichダブルアイリッシュ・ダッチサンドイッチ ■米IT大手が活用する節税方法
double taxation二重課税
draft supplementary budget補正予算案
earnings before interest and taxes ,EBIT利払い税引き前利益
eco-car tax breaksエコカー減税
economic stimulus spending景気刺激策の支出
education government bonds教育国債
effective corporate tax rate法人実効税率
effective tax rate実効税率
electronic tax filing電子納税申告
employment income deduction給与所得控除
empty homes tax空き家税
environmental tax環境税
estate tax遺産税、相続税
European Financial Stability Facility ,EFSF欧州金融安定基金 ■財政難に陥ったユーロ加盟国への支援を目的に創設
exit tax出国税
extra budget補正予算、追加予算
federal tax連邦税
final tax returns確定申告
Finance Ministry's budget draft大蔵省原案
finance reform財政再建
financial administration財政
financial bill ,FB政府短期証券
financial burden財政負担
financial condition財政状態
financial crunch財政危機
financial difficulties財政難
financial discipline財政規律
financial income tax金融所得課税
financial resources財源
financial support財政支援
financial trouble財政難
financial-transactions tax金融取引税
first supplementary budget第1次補正予算
fiscal adjustment財政調整
fiscal adjustment fund財政調整基金
fiscal allocation予算配分
fiscal austerity緊縮財政
fiscal cliff財政の崖 ■米で2013年に予定されている大型減税の失効や国防予算などの強制削減が同時に起こること
fiscal conservative財政保守派
fiscal consolidation財政再建
fiscal consolidation plan財政健全化計画
fiscal crisis財政危機
fiscal deficit財政赤字
fiscal deterioration財政悪化
fiscal discipline財政規律
fiscal expansion財政拡張
fiscal hawk財政タカ派
fiscal health財政健全性
fiscal investment and loan program ,FILP財政投融資
fiscal laxity放漫財政
fiscal measures財政出動
fiscal policy財政政策
fiscal reconstruction財政再建
fiscal reform財政改革
fiscal rehabilitation財政健全化
fiscal rehabilitation goal財政再建目標
fiscal resources財源
fiscal restructuring財政再建
fiscal revenue財政収入
fiscal soundness財政の健全性
fiscal spending財政支出
fiscal stimulus財政出動
fiscal stimulus package財政による景気刺激策
fiscal structure財政構造
fiscal surplus財政黒字
fiscal sustainability財政の持続可能性
fiscal year会計年度
fixed asset tax固定資産税
fixed property tax固定資産税
fixed-sum tax cut定額減税
flat tax rate一律税率
foreign-currency-denominated debt外貨建て債務
forest environment tax森林環境税
free cash flowフリーキャッシュフロー ■企業本来の営業活動により獲得したキャッシュフローから、事業を維持するために投資したキャッシュフローを引いたもの
fuel duty燃料税 ■英
fuel tax燃料税
gas taxガソリン税
gas tax holidayガソリン税の一時停止 ■米
gasoline taxガソリン税
general account一般会計
general account budget一般会計予算
general account expenditure一般会計歳出
general expenditures一般歳出
general government account一般政府勘定
general obligation bonds一般財源保証債
general spending一般歳出
general-account budget一般会計予算
general-account spending一般会計
general-obligation bond一般財源債
gift tax贈与税
global minimum corporate tax rate各国共通の最低法人税率
goods-and-services tax ,GST消費税
government coffer国庫
government debt政府債務
government grant政府補助金
government investment and loan program財政投融資
government revenue政府収入
government spending財政支出
graduated tax system累進課税制
green tax環境税
health spending医療費支出
hidden surplus funds from various special accounts特別会計の余剰金、埋蔵金
home interest deduction住宅ローン利子控除 ■米
income source収入源
income tax所得税
income tax return所得税確定申告
income tax withheld at source源泉所得税
indirect tax間接税
inheritance tax相続税
Inheritance Tax Law相続税法
initial budget当初予算
integrated reform of social security and taxation税と社会保障の一体改革
international solidarity levy国際連帯税
international tax evasion国際的な課税逃れ
investment tax credit投資税額控除
investment-and-loan bonds財投債
itemized deduction項目別控除
large-scale budget大型予算
latent national burden ratio潜在的国民負担率 ■国民所得に占める、税と社会保障負担、将来の国民負担となる財政赤字の割合
light vehicle tax軽自動車税
liquor tax酒税
Liquor Tax Law酒税法
local consumption tax地方消費税
local government bond地方債
local tax地方税
local tax grants地方交付税
Local Taxation Law地方税法
long-term credit rating長期格付け
long-term debt長期国債
low-tax rate country低税率国
lower tax rate軽減税率
lump-sum grants定額補助金
luxury taxぜいたく税
marginal effective tax rate限界実行税率
marginal tax rate限界税率
medical-expenses deduction医療費控除
medium-term fiscal program中期財政計画
military budget軍事予算
minimum global corporation tax rate国際的な最低法人税率
minimum tax rate最低税率
mining tax鉱業税
municipal bankruptcy自治体の破綻
municipal bond地方債
municipal tax市民税
national budget国家予算
national burden ratio国民負担率 ■国民所得に占める税と社会保障負担の割合
national tax国税
national treasury国庫
negative tax rate負の税率
new tax新税
non-tax revenue税外収入
nontax revenue税外収入
offshore tax haven海外の租税回避地
one-off tax1回限りの課税
operating profit ratio営業利益率
outline of a tax reform plan税制改正大綱
outline of tax system revisions税制改正大綱
outstanding debt未払債務
outstanding long-term debt長期債務残高
payroll tax給与税 ■米
personal income tax個人所得税
pork-barrel spendingバラマキ支出
preferential taxation優遇税制
primary balance基礎的財政収支、プライマリーバランス
primary deficit基礎的財政収支の赤字
primary surplus基礎的財政収支の黒字
progressive income tax system所得税の累進課税制度
progressive taxation system累進課税制度
property tax財産税
provisional budget暫定予算
provisional tax rate暫定税率
Public Accounts Law会計法
public debt公債
public deficit財政赤字
public expenditure公共支出
public finance財政
public financing公的融資
public funds公的資金
public investment公共投資
public money公的資金
public works spending公共事業支出
public-works spending公共事業費
qualified invoice system適格請求書制度、インボイス制度
rate of reliance on government bonds国債依存度
rating agency格付け会社
rating downgrade格下げ
ratio of public debt to gross domestic product公債残高の対GDP比
real estate acquisition tax不動産取得税
real estate tax不動産税、固定資産税
reconstruction-related budgets復興予算
reduced tax rate軽減税率
refinancing bond借換債
regional tax地方税
residence tax住民税
resident tax住民税
residential tax住民税
resource tax資源税
retroactive levy遡及徴収
revenue bonds歳入担保債 ■米
revenue neutrality税制中立
revenue source財源
revenue stamp収入印紙
review of budget requests事業仕分け
reviewer of budget requests事業仕分け人
right to tax課税権
road-related tax revenue道路特定財源
road-related tax revenues道路特定財源
runaway debt増え続ける債務
salaried income給与所得
sales levy消費税
sales tax売上税、取引高税
scrap incentive廃車代替奨励金 ■政府などが車の買い替えを促すために提供する奨励金
screening of budget requests事業仕分け
screening of budgetary requests予算査定
second supplementary budget第2次補正予算
secret fund機密費
sequester歳出の自動削減 ■米
service taxサービス税
social security expenses社会保障費
social security spending社会保障費
social spending社会的支出
social welfare expenditure社会福祉費
soda taxソーダ税 ■炭酸飲料にかかる税
solidarity tax連帯税
sovereign debtソブリン債
sovereign debt crisis国家債務危機
sovereign default政府債務の不履行、ソブリンデフォルト
special account特別会計
special accounts特別会計
special corporate tax特別法人税
special government bond特例国債
special revenue特別歳入
special tax特別税
special tax break特別減税
Special Taxation Measures Law租税特別措置法
spending bill歳出法案
spending cuts歳出削減
spending gap財政赤字
spousal tax break配偶者控除
spousal tax deduction配偶者控除
stable fiscal resource安定財源
stable funding安定財源
stable revenue source安定財源
stamp duty印紙税
standard tax rate標準税率
state asset国有資産
state budget国家予算
state coffer国庫
state subsidies to municipalities地方交付税交付金
state treasury国庫
state-owned land国有地
statutory rate国定税率
stopgap budget暫定予算
sugar tax砂糖税 ■肥満防止を目的に、砂糖にかける税金
supplement budget補正予算
supplementary budget補正予算
supplementary budget bill補正予算案
tabacco taxたばこ税
tax abatement税の減免
tax accountant税理士
tax advantage税制上の有利点
tax allocations to local governments地方交付金
tax amnesty税金恩赦 ■税の滞納者や脱税者に、一定期間内に滞納している税を納めれば罰金や罪に問わないという制度
tax audit税務監査
tax avoidance租税回避、課税逃れ
tax base課税標準、課税ベース
tax benefit税制上の優遇措置
tax bill税請求書、納税通知書
tax bracket税率区分
tax break税制優遇措置
tax burden税負担
tax ceiling課税上限
tax cheat脱税者
tax code税法
tax collection収税
tax collector税務署員
Tax Commission税制調査会
tax credit税額控除
tax cut減税
tax cuts for eco-friendly carsエコカー減税
tax day確定申告締切日
tax deductible donation税額控除対象寄付金
tax deduction税額控除
tax deferment納税猶予
tax deferral課税繰延
tax delinquency税の滞納
tax dodge税金逃れ
tax dodging脱税
tax evasion脱税、税金逃れ
tax examination税務調査
tax exemption免税
tax fairness税の公平性
tax filing納税申告
tax fraud脱税
tax gapタックスギャップ ■予定した税収と現実に期限内に納付された税収の差異
tax giveaway減税
tax harmonization税制調和
tax haven租税回避地
tax hike増税
tax hike bill増税法案
tax in kind現物の租税
tax incentive税制上の優遇措置
tax increase増税
tax inquiry税務調査
tax investigation税務調査
tax investigator税務調査官
tax legislation税制
tax liability納税義務
tax loophole税の抜け穴
tax office税務署
tax on capital gains and dividends金融所得課税
tax overhaul税制改革
tax practice税務業務
tax preparation確定申告書類の作成
tax probe税務調査
tax rate税率
tax rebate税金の払い戻し
tax receipt納税証明書
tax reduction減税
tax reduction effect減税効果
tax reform税制改革
tax refund税金還付
tax relief税支払い免除
tax reporting税務報告
tax resident税法上居住者
tax return確定申告書
tax returns納税申告書
tax revenue税収
tax revenue increases税収増
tax revenue source税源
tax revenue transfer財源の移譲
tax revision bil税制改正法案
tax rise増税
tax saving節税
tax shelter節税対策
tax sovereignty国の課税権
tax structure税体系
tax subsidies租税補助金
tax surcharge付加税
tax sweetener減税政策
tax system税制
tax system revision税制改正
tax waiver免税
tax-deductible donation課税控除対象の寄付
tax-exempt status免税資格
tax-exemption system免税制度
tax-increase opponent増税反対派の人
tax-revenue estimates税収見込額
tax-revenue shortfall税収不足
tax-saving measure節税策
tax-to-income ratio所得に占める税負担の割合
taxable earnings課税所得
taxable expense税務上損金
taxation system税制
taxing right課税権
taxpayer money公的資金、税金
technical defaultテクニカルデフォルト ■支払い能力はあるが条件が問題となり債務不履行となること
time-limited tax measure時限的税制措置
tobacco taxたばこ税
tobacco tax increaseたばこ増税
Tobin Taxトービン税 ■金融取引課税
top rate of income tax所得税の最高税率
treasury bill ,TB短期国債、Tビル
triple reform of the local government tax and fiscal systems三位一体改革
undeclared income所得の申告漏れ
underpaid tax不足納税
urban planning tax都市計画税
value-added tax ,VAT付加価値税 ■日本の消費税に相当
vehicle tax自動車税、車両税
wasteful and improper spending of tax money税金の無駄遣い
wasteful spending無駄な支出
wealth tax富裕税
withholding tax源泉課税

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